GES 101 | Use of English I | University Compulsory General Studies | |||||||
GES 102 | African Culture & Civilization | University Compulsory General Studies | |||||||
GES 104 | Science and Mankind | University Compulsory General Studies | |||||||
GES 105 | Agriculture, Renewable Natural Resources, Animal Husbandry and Health | University Compulsory General Studies | |||||||
PSY 101 | Introduction to Psycho-Biological Basis of Behaviour: An elementary introduction to psychological, biological basis of behaviour. Topics covered include basic units of the nervous system hierarchical, structure of brain, sensory processes, consciousness and visual sensory processes, consciousness and visual sensation auditory, and chemical fundamentals of motivation. | 15 | 15 | 3 | - | Compulsory | |||
PSY 102 | Introduction to Personality, Social and Life Span: Human information processing, memory, theories of personality, measurement of personality. Life span psychology. | 30 | - | 3 | - | Required | |||
PSY 103 | Quantitative Methods in psychology: Application of quantitative methods in psychological research. Probability. Descriptive statistics. Data generation, data analysis. Fundamentals of Statistical inference. | 30 | - | 3 | - | Compulsory | |||
PSY 105 | History of Experimental Psychology: A survey of the origin of modern psychology within science, including modern psychology within philosophy, founding of experimental psychology. Influence of Africa and other countries. German, Great Britain, America and Russia in psychology. Later trends in modern Experimental Psychology including design and performance in psychology. | 30 | - | 3 | - | Required | |||
PSY 201 | Learning Processes: An introduction to the experimental analysis of learning processes both in animals and man. Topics to be covered are conditioning (classical and instrumental), the S.R. paradigm, the role of reinforcement and continuity in learning: cement and continuity in learning: cognitive approaches to learning problems. | 15 | 15 | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 105 | Required | |||
PSY 202 | Abnormal Psychology: Emphasis will be on the common types, causes, diagnostic characteristics and treatments of mental disorders observable in the Nigerian and other cultures. Minor and serious types of mental and personality disturbances as illustrated by cases. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 - | Required | |||
PSY 205 | Developmental Psychology: Survey of theory and research on the developing child between conception and adolescence. An appraisal of the theoretical models of Freud, Erikson Piaget. Analysis of issues relevant to cognitive and social development of the Nigerian child. Observation of children. | 15 | 15 | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 | Compulsory | |||
PSY 206 | Social Psychology: An introductory survey of social psychological concepts. The influence of group processes, and social interactions, organizational variable and culture upon the social modifications of basic drives, attitudes social perception, and group structures. Analysis of the socio-psychological fabric which knits Africa societies together. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 105 | Required | |||
PSY 207 | Physiological Psychology I: the internal environment the cell as the unit of life: the endocrine system: genetic considerations. Basic neuro anatomy, neutral control of environment. | 15 | 15 | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 105 | Compulsory | |||
PSY 209 | General Experimental Psychology: This course is designed to train students to do experimental psychological research. Topics to be covered include variables in psychological experiments, methods, operationalization, control, basic steps in experimental research reports, laboratory and field research. | 15 | 15 | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 105 | Compulsory | |||
PSY 226 | Personality: Overview of the major theories of personality and their implication for psychoanalytic intervention, psychotherapeutic, existential, humanistic, behavioural, transactional analysis and Gestalt Schools included. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 105 | Required | |||
PSY 284 | Social Psychology of the Law: Forensic Psychology, example Psychology of the court room, eye witness attribution of intentionality, and the perception, Psychologists as expert witness | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101, 102, 103, 105 | Required | |||
PSY 287 | Social Psychology of Race and Ethnic Group Relations: Methods, problems theories and empirical data of psychology in the area of ethnicity, race and culture as these factors interact with personality development, cognition, pathology. Laboratory investigation required. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101, 102, 103, 105 | Required | |||
PSY 292 | Industrial and Personnel Psychology: Psychology as applied to business and industry. Major area of industrial psychology such as procedures; and human factors research. Individual social psychology with respect to motivational and organizational research and theory. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 105 | Compulsory | |||
PSY 307 | Psychological Aspects of Disability: The course analyzes types of disability (Physical and Emotional) and society’s view of disability, referral programmes and placement for disabled. Also considered is the helping team – the role of the Psychologist, practical field experience is highly recommended. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 105 201 202 205 207 | Elective | |||
PSY 308 | Psychology of Substance Abuse: The course discusses the diagnosis of alcoholism and also the diagnosis of drug addiction. It treats the rehabilitation of the drug addict. The course also examines various stages of alcoholism, drug types and psychological problems associated with them. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 105 201 202 205 226 | Required | |||
PSY 318 | Child Psychopathology: As assessment of the major forms of childhood disturbance, issues, theory and research. Assessment of behaviour from a psycho-analytical point of view: Case history reviews, laboratory experience will be emphasized. | 15 | 15 | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 105 201 202 205 207 226 | Required | |||
PSY 319 | Statistical Methods in Psychology: Review descriptive statistics, inferential statistics technique of hypothesis testing: hypothesis testing inferences and the mean of population; Chi square, the Phi-Coefficient and the contingency coefficient. Analysis of variance; linear correlation – the Pearson production – moment correlation coefficient. The Wilcoxon text; the Mann Whitney U test. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 103 FSS 204 | Compulsory | |||
PSY 322 | Clinical Psychology: A survey of the history, practice and theoretical foundations of clinical psychology, differential diagnosis, treatment. The role of the clinical psychologist in community mental and health delivery. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 102 | Compulsory | |||
PSY 323 | Personality Assessment: The course exposes the students to tools used by clinicians in their practice. Emphasis will be placed on projective techniques and personality inventories and assessment approaches. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 102 201 202 205 207 226 322 | Required Open to Majors | |||
PSY 384 | Research in Social Psychology: Examination of the main approaches to social psychology research. Demand characteristics of interest in this course. Ethics of human experimentation. | 15 | 15 | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 105 206 207 226 | Compulsory | |||
PSY 388 | Group Dynamics: Historical and theoretical development of the “group dynamics” movement and contemporary approaches to conceptualization of small group processes. Performance in Group – Risk shift. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 206 | Required | |||
PSY 392 | Consumer Psychology: Psychological theory and research relevant consumer behaviour. Relationships among marketing research, product design, selling and advertising. The media. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 102 205 292 | Required | |||
PSY 394 | Motivation in the World of work: What factors motivate the Nigerian worker, relationships among motivation, satisfaction, organiza-tional behaviour. Motivational influences on motivational inter-vention, survey and evaluation. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 | Required | |||
PSY 402 | Psychology of the Adolescence: A short empirical study of the characteristics, needs and problems of adolescence. Special emphasis on honours research relative to adolescent development in Nigeria and Africa. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 103 201 202 205 206 226 318 323 384 | Required | |||
PSY 403 | Psychological Testing and Test Construction: Original of psychological testing – Galton, Cattell, and Binetz nature of psychological testing; the concepts of reliability and validity; intelligence tests – standard – Binet test, brief mention of other tests of intelligence; special aptitude, personality, interest tests; ethical considerations. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 103 105 201 202 205 206 226 318 323 384 388 | Compulsory | |||
PSY 410 | Clinical Psychology II: An advanced and integrative study of the nature and methods of clinical psychology, topics covered include psychological dysfunctions: mental disorders and behaviour pathology and the psychotherapies. The course embraces supervised clinical (practical) experience. | 15 | 15 | 3 | PSY 101 102 | Required | |||
PSY 413 | Medical Psychology: Psychological approaches to illness, personality and disease-relationship between psychological variable and disease process (hypertension, pain coronary heart disease and other psychosomatic illness). Stress and illness: coping with stress. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 202 209 322 | Required | |||
PSY 436 | Social Perception: Characteristics of the perceiver, the observer and intentional processes. Relations of perceptual, cognitive and personality theory to social perception: the nature of cognitive work. Attribution of responsibility will receive emphasis. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 102 206 227 | Required | |||
PSY 486 | Attitude: Nature and significance of attitudes opinions beliefs. Structure and functions of attitudes. Methods of attitude change. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 282 101 102 103 284 | Required | |||
PSY 488 | Psychological Aspects of Leadership including Political Leadership: Problems of Lea-dership; functions and duties of leaders executives. Survey and methods of study utilized to train and select leaders. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 | Elective | |||
PSY 496 | Organization Psychology: Application of principle of social psychology to individual phenol-menal. Parameters of organization and criteria of effectiveness. Profitability, morale. Classical the-ories of organization. Theory and application of power interaction conflict and decision to industrial corporations and unions. | 30 | - | 3 | PSY 101 102 103 or 292 | Required | |||
PSY 499 | Honours Project: May be based on empirical or field systematic research on an approved topic or theme within psychology. | - | 180 | 6 | - | Compulsory and must be passed by majors. | |||
KEY: A = Hours of Theoretical Instruction
B = Hours of Practical Instruction
C = Total Unit
D = Prerequisite
E = Remarks
COURSE CODE | COURSE TITLE/CONTENTS | No. of contact Hrs. 0 (T : P)/ Unit(s)* | Course Code | Course Title/ Contents | No. of contact Hrs. (T : P)/ Unit(s)* | REMARKS |
GSP 701 | Introduction to General and Applied Psychology: Introduction to major areas of specialization in Psychology (Clinical, Industrial and Organisation, Developmental, Experimental, Social and Personality). Survey of theories and appraisal of theoretical models (Psychoanalytic, social-learning, phenomenological, cognitive) of Freud, Erikson, Bandura, Piaget etc. applied to the major areas of psychology. Introduction to forensic psychology. Overview of psychological basis of behaviour – (topics should include basic units of the nervous system and basis of behaviour, the role of eye for visual adaptation, colour, ear, smell as applied to the police and the military. Introduction to major theories of abnormal behaviour, types and causes; personality development and implications for assessment/interventions, personal adjustment, emotion – fear and anger and psychotherapeutic techniques. An introductory survey of social psychological concepts and theories – influence of group processes, social interactions, culture upon the social modifications of basic drives, attitudes and perception and group psychological processes – group think, communication and behavioural contagion in the initiation and maintenance of mass behaviour including panics, riots, social and political movements. Introduction to industrial and organizational behaviour and communications – issues of motivation, morale & satisfaction, leadership, efficiency and fatigue, physical conditions of efficiency and selection and placement. | 45 (15, 30) 3, R | GSP 701 | Introduction to Social and Personality Psychology (a) An introductory survey of social psychology concepts. The influence of group processes, and social interactions, organizational variable and culture upon the social modifications of basic drives, and group structures. Analysis of the socio-psychological fabric which knits African societies together. Group Psychological Processes: Motivation, leadership, communication and behavioural contagion in the initiation and maintenance of mass behaviour including panics, riots, social and political movements. Development of group dynamics, performance in groups and risky shift. Attitude and Persuasion: Nature - structure and functions of attitude and application of attitude change techniques should be explained. Personality: Overview of the major theories of personality, assessment techniques for interventions. Discussion of psychodynamic, existential, humanistic, behavioural, transactional analysis and Gestalt Schools of psychology. Learning Theories applied to social and Personality Psychology would also be explored. | TITLE AND CONTENT CHANGED | R |
45 (15, 30) R | GSP 702 | Abnormal Psychology, Psychotherapy and Rehabilitation: (a) Emphasis will be on the common types, causes, diagnostic characteristics and treatments of mental disorders observable in the Nigerian and other cultures. Minor and major types of mental and personality disturbances as illustrated by cases. (b) Substance Abuse and Clinical Assessment. The course discourse diagnosis of alcoholism and drug addiction. Treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts, both in the community and treatment centre (c) Rehabilitation Psychology: The course deals with the problems of rehabilitation, crisis intervention, need assessment and behaviour modification, value clarification, assertiveness training, philosophical guidelines for rehabilitative counseling and ethical consideration in rehabilitation. | NEW | E | ||
NEW COURSE | 45 (15, 30) E | GSP 703 | Developmental Psychology Survey of theory and research on the developing child, adolescent and the aged between conception and adolescence. An appraisal of the theoretical models of Freud, Erikson and Piaget. Personality development across lifespan. Analysis of issues relevant to cognitive and social development of the Nigerian child and adolescent. | NEW | R | |
NEW COURSE | 45 (15, 30) R | GSP 704 | Psycho-Biological Basis of Behaviour: An elementary introduction to psychological, biological basis of behaviour. Topics covered include basic units of the nervous system, structure of the brain, sensory processes, consciousness and visual sensation, auditory and chemical fundamentals of motivation. | NEW | E | |
MMP 701 | Psychological Analysis of Workplace Management: Overview of management in organization, management and leadership, theories of organization, content and process theories of motivation, Application of motivation theories to employees’ behaviour and attitudes, motivation and human performance, Reward systems in organizations, Managing Diversity, Training and Development, Organizational Behaviour Modification, Modifying undesirable behaviour e.g. absenteeism, and fraudulent practices, sustaining desirable behaviours e.g. high achievement in form of outstanding targets and performance. | 45(15,30)C | NO CHANGE | C | ||
MMP 702 | Psychological Principles Applied to Financial Management and Policy: Psychological theories explaining Financial behavour, Individual and work related factors in financial management, including implications of societal values. Psychological implications of business failure and individual/organizational susceptibility to fraud. Detection and management of fraudulent practices in the workplace. | 45(15,30)E | NO CHANGE | E | ||
MMP 703 | Psychology of Conflict and Conflict Management: Organization and its environment. Formal and informal organizational structures, conflict and reaction to conflict in organizations, principles of Intervention in Organization. Strategies and Adjustment to organizational change. | 45: (15, 30)3: E | MMP 703 | NO CHANGE | E | |
MMP 704 | Psychological Principle of Bargaining and Negotiation: Psychological Principle of Bargaining, dynamics of bargaining, union management relationships. Element of workers participation | 45: (15, 30)3: E | NO CHANGE | E | ||
MMP 710 | Psychology of Personnel Selection and Placement: A differential psychological approach to psychological aptitudes, Dynamics of Intra-personal abilities, Matching of the individual’s abilities to work requirements, job description techniques and placement rocedures. Personnel Training, Interviewing. | 45(15,30)C | NO CHANGE | C | ||
MMP 711 | Psychology of Motivation and Morale in Industries and Organizations: An evaluation of the experimental and theoretical material on: Physiological drives, development and perception, motivation and general morale in industries and organizations. | 45(15,30)E | NO CHANGE | E | ||
MMP 713 | Psychology of Marketing and Advertisement: Analysis of needs through the Principal models of man, marketing teaching as based on psychological principles and theory. Psychological analysis of consumer behaviour. Methods research in consumer behaviour. Media-Consumer relationship. Notion of consumer protection. Psychological basis of advertisement. Elements of economic psychology. | 45(15,30)E | NO CHANGE | E | ||
MMP 715 | Research Methods in Industrial Psychology: Psychological analysis of noise, heat and air pollution. Psychological effect of industrial waste on the environment. Human behaviour on the enivroment. | 45(15,30)R | MMP 715 | Research Methods : Principles for conducting Psychological research. Literature review. Operational Definition of Terms. Hypothesis Testing. Research Design: observational case histories surveys correlational studies group designs factorial designs Different Techniques of population and sampling Measuring and Analysing Result Measuring variables Statistical testing Ethics in Research Techniques to proposal writing | CONTENT AMENDED | R |
NEW COURSE | MMP7l8 45 (15,30)E | Managing Innovations, Product Development and Entrepreneurship: Discussion of contemporary issues in innovation, technological change and competition, goals, principles and problems of product development. Entrepreneurship, New ventures and organizational learning,. The course will involve seminars and lectures. | NEW COURSE | E | ||
MMP 720 | Applied Statistics: The nature of aptitudes. The origins of aptitude testing. The construction of aptitude Tests. The measurement of multiple aptitudes batteries, the measurement of creativity | 45(15,30)R | MMP 720 | Quantitative Method and Applied Statistics: Review of descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and techniques of hypothesis testing: hypothesis testing inferences and the mean of population; Chi square, the Phi-Coefficient and the contingency coefficient. Analysis of variance; linear correlation coefficient – the Pearson Production – moment correlation coefficient. The Wilcoxon test; the Mann Whitney U test | TITLE AND CONTENT AMENDED | R |
MMP 730 | Psychology of Human factors engineering (ergonomics) Analysis of the optimal level of man-machine systems, equipment and workplace design, measurement of fatigue, noise level tolerance and control. | 45(15,30)E | NO CHANGE | E | ||
MMP 731 | Seminar in Contemporary issues of Psychology of Management. Identification of contemporary issues at work, challenges, prevention and control. Class presentations of case studies | 45(15,30)C | MMP 731 | CHANGE IN TITLE | ||
MMP 740 | Industrial and Organisational Psychopathology Review of the theories and literature dealing with factors which generate anxiety conditions, neurosis, psychoses, schizophrenic behaviour, work place substance use, personality disorder etc. Various assessment. Psychotherapeutic techniques and counselling techniques and therapeutic approaches to psychopathology and problem-solving techniques. Special reference to organizational setting would be examined. | 45(15,30)E | MMP 740 | NO CHANGE | E | |
MMP 741 45(15, 30)R | Ethics and Professional issues: What is ethics, your ethical responsibility, Understand employee responsibilities in the workplace, following the rule of law, Know how to support good ethics at work, Understand moral responsibilities, Understand responsibility for company assets, Know how to seek guidance on ethical issues at work. Corporate catastrophes, Legal regulations related to workplace ethics, Restrictions in distributing copyrighted information, Management responsibilities relating to the organization’s code, Accepting gifts, gratuities, and rebates from clients and vendors, Intake interview, Concern recognition, identification, and resolution, Steps for raising concerns to higher management | NEW COURSE | Required | |||
MMP 742 45(15, 30)E | Psychopathology of Violence and its management. Definitions, types of violence (workplace violence), domestic violence and its impact on the job, anger and aggression, theories of violence, cultural issues in violence, clinical issues related to violence, assessment and management of violence (anger and aggression) | NEW COURSE | E | |||
MMP 751 | Performance Evaluation: Definition, purposes of performance evaluation, types of performance evaluation, method of performance appraisal; developing performance measures, through job analysis. Job evaluation, implication for managers, theories and research review. | 45(15,30) R | MMP 751 | Applied Performance Appraisal and Practicum: Definition, purposes of performance evaluation, types of performance evaluation, methods of performance appraisal, subjectivity in performance appraisal developing performance measures through job analysis. Job evaluation implication for managers, 360 degrees appraisal and development of appraisal instruments, practical experience sharing. | TITLE AMMENDED | R |
MMP 755 | Decision Making: The nature of decision making, behavioural implications of decision making, behaviourally oriented decision making techniques; artificial intelligence versus expert systems; Decision programming; Group and Decision; communication in organisation. | 45(15,30)E | MMP 755 | NO CHANGE | E | |
MMP 756 | Leadership and Executive Development: Overview of search on leadership effectiveness. Theories of leadership. Effective leadership behaviour. | 45(15,30)C | MMP 756 | NO CHANGE | C | |
MMP 757 | Communication Processes: Nature of interpersonal communication. Communication Objective, levels of communication, Communication networks in organisations, communication problems and remedies in organisations. | 45(15,30)E | MMP 757 | NO CHANGE | E | |
MMP 758 | Stress in Work Places: Type of Managers. Categories of stress, sources of stress and their manifestations. The management of stress. | 45(15,30)C | MMP 758 | Stress in Work Places: Type of Managers; Stimulus, response, stimulus-response definitions, Models of stress (Biological/Medical Stress models, Behavioural science stress models). Manifestations, Theories of Stress: Demand–Control Model, Diathesis stress theories, Stress-illness relationship, Person–Environment Fit Model, Individual Differences in Resistance to Stress. The Type A Behavior Patterns; Nature of Job-Related stress (Macro-micro level) Work stressors, organisational change and transition, Personal and organizational strains and moderators. Consequences: stress as risk factor in the development of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc., assessment of stress at the workplace (stress audit), Assessment of stress and management. Coping with work stress – Theories and strategies. Stress Management – Stress Management at the organizational and individual level. Primary Prevention Strategies, Work and Job Design, Cognitive Restructuring, Secondary Prevention Strategies, Stress Management Training, Relaxation and Biofeedback Techniques, Social Support, Tertiary Prevention Strategies, Summary of Stress Intervention Strategies; workplace – Stress related violence and its management. Stress management for specific purposes- reducing burnout, dealing with job loss. Programmes in Industry - wellness and employee assistance program (EAP). | CONTENT AMENDED | C |
MMP 759 | Psychology of Power and Politics in Industrial Management: Power, politics, and authority in multi-ethnic and multi-religious society. Quota and organisational development, consequences of organisational politics. | 45(15,30)E | MMP 759 | Psychology of Power and Politics in Industrial Management Power, politics, and authority in multi-ethnic organizations. Quota system organisational development, consequences of organisational politics, lobbying, and negotiation. | TITLE AND CONTENT AMENDED | E |
MMP 799 | Industrial Project: An independent research on a topic selected from the candidate's field of specialization | Compulsory (6 units) | MMP799 | NO CHANGE |
KEY: C – Compulsory, R – Required, E - Elective