- B.Sc. Degree in Geography
Course No. | Short Title and Description of Courses | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
GEO 111 | Elements of Physical Geography Principles and elements of climate and landforms; soils, vegetation and landforms treated in outline form; simple relationships between earth’s surface materials, forms and processes. | 45 | - | 3 | Required for all Geography Majors | |||
GEO 131 | Elements of Human Geography Scope of human geography; Spatial organization (concepts of location, space, place, pattern, regionalization and globalization); World population; Geographical analysis; Growth and movement; Cultural patterns and processes; Political organization of space; Agriculture and rural land use; Industrialization; Cities and urban land use. | 45 | - | 3 | Required for all Geography Majors | |||
GEO 141 | Ibadan Region Ibadan in its regional setting; Physical geography of Ibadan: relief, drainage, soils and climate; Human geography of Ibadan: Population, transport, industries, urbanization, trade, residential neighbourhoods, infrastructure and amenities, and other public facilities. | 45 | - | 3 | Required for all Geography Majors | |||
GEO 181 | Practical Geography Simple construction of maps of various types; topographical map reading to involve the use and significance of scale, conventional signs etc. simple techniques of map making etc. | 45 | 90 | 3 | Required for all Geography Majors | |||
GEO 201 | Surveying Use of instruments in simple ground surveys; surveying techniques including triangulation and traversing. Compass traversing. Plane tabling. Levelling. Theodolite traversing. Map making (Plotting) from ground survey data. Introduction to Computer aided surveying. | 45 | 9 | 3 | Required for all Geography Majors | |||
GEO 202 | Introduction to Geographic Information System (GIS) Historical development of GIS; Linkage between development in GIS and Science; Nature of geographic data; Application areas of GIS in natural and human arena; Geographic data modelling with GIS; Cartography and map production. | 45 | 9 | 3 | Required for all Geography Majors | |||
GEO 211 | Introduction to the Physical Environment Energy systems in the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere; Current environmental issues, air pollution and other natural hazards, soil erosion, drought, earthquakes, hurricanes floods etc.; Environmental conservation. | 60 | - | 4 | Compulsory for all Geography Majors | |||
GEO 231 | Introduction to Man-Environment Interaction Humans’ interaction and relationships with the environment; Human responses to and impact on environment. Culture. Spatial patterns and processes, Satial and functional relationships of settlements; Political ordering of space; Population and development; Space consequences of globalization. | 45 | - | 4 | Required for all Geography Majors | |||
GEO 281 | Air Photo Interpretation & Remote Sensing Concept of remote sensing; Electromagnetic spectrum; Imaging systems and their capabilities; Remote sensing platforms; Applications in natural resource surveys and monitoring land use; Types and uses of air photo; Instruments and techniques of air photo interpretation. | 15 | 90 | 3 | Required for all Geography Majors | |||
GEO 282 | Map Reading and Interpretation Representation of data, features and phenomena on maps. Analysis of the physical features and human elements on topographical maps based upon the statistical and graphical analyses of their point, linear and area properties. Distributional maps, graph analysis and interpretation of climatic and geological maps. | 15 | 90 | 3 | Required for all Geography Majors | |||
GEO 283 | Introductory Cartography Introduction to cartography; Historical development; Cartographic processes; Survey of drafting equipment; Survey of soft and hardware; Coordinate Systems; Introduction to map projections. | 45 | 3 | Required for all Geography Majors | ||||
GEO 301 | Geographical Information System Data sources and collection; Analysis, methods and computer technology; Basic technical and analytical methods related to spatial databases and geographic analysis between real world issues and digital relationships; Computer cartography; GIS and mapping software; Coordinate systems; Vector and raster data models. | 15 | 90 | 3 | Geo 202 | Required for all Geography Majors | ||
GEO 302 | Geographical Thought, Theory and Methods History of geographic thought in relation to history of science and geography; Methods in natural and social sciences; Nature of problems in geographic research; Frontiers in contemporary geographic thought. | 45 | - | 3 | Compulsory for all Geography Majors | |||
GE0 311 | Climatology Concepts and trend in climatology; Energy and water balance of the earth and its atmosphere; General circulation of the atmosphere; Weather and climate in the tropics and temperate regions; Climatic classification; Climate change. | 45 | 3 | Geo 211 | Required for all Geography Majors in Science. | |||
GEO 312 | GeomorphologyTrends and concepts in geomorphology; Factors and processes of landform development; Methods of landform study; Landform examples with special reference to Africa; Landforms and their analysis on maps, aerial photos and direct field observation. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 211 | Required for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 313 | Biogeography Principles and concepts of bio-geography and ecology; the ecosystem and its components; bio-geochemical cycles, population and community ecology, world ecosystems; conservation. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 211 | Required for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 314 | Hydrology The elements of surface hydrology and ground water hydrology, the hydrological equation inputs and/or outputs, water resources inventory and conservation, development of water resources schemes. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 211 | Required for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 331 | Population Geography Sources and uses of population data; Models on population growth; Vital rates – fertility, mortality and migration (internal and international migrations); Implications of population growth on the economy, education, labour force, food, health, nutrition and environment; Population policies and programmes, case study of Nigeria. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 211 | Required for all Geography Majors. | ||
GEO 332 | Economic Geography Scope and content of Economic Geography, concepts, principles and models of industrial location. Transportation in production and distribution principles and patterns of international trade. | 45 | 90 | 3 | Geo 231 | Required for all Geography Majors. | ||
GEO 333 | Settlement Geography Scope and content of settlement geography; Basic concepts; Theories of settlement growth; Settlement types and functions; Land use patterns; Dynamics of settlement growth and settlement planning; Hierarchy of settlements - Rank –size Rule and Primate Cities; Rural-urban inter-relations; Land tenure systems and land reforms. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 231 | Required for all Geography Majors. | ||
GEO 334 | Geography of Tourism Scope and content of geography of tourism; History of tourism development; Tourism resources, inventory types and characteristics; Tourism marketing and promotion; Impact of tourism on national development; Trends and problems of tourism development in Africa and Nigeria | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 231 | Required for all Geography Majors. | ||
GEO 339/ GIT 339 | Industrial Training Industrial attachment with relevant organization for 3 months. Written report of industrial attachment | - | - | 2 | Required for all Geography Majors. | |||
GEO 350 | Africa Natural resources and development - location, size and relief, climatic resources and climate change, vegetation and soil resources, mineral and energy resources, environmental challenges and solutions; Human resources and development - historical factor political factor, population factor (Health issues- HIV/AIDS, malaria), transportation and communication, agriculture, manufacturing and service industries; Millennium Development Goals and Poverty Reduction; Regional economic bodies. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 131 | Required for all Geography Majors. | ||
GEO 383 | Cartography Map projections; Map compilation -qualitative and quantitative; Cartographic generalization -elements and controls; Data ordering, representation and symbolization - qualitative and quantitative (choropleth, isoline, dot and dasymetric mapping); Application of computer techniques in cartography. | 15 | 45 | 2 | Geo 283 | Required for all Geography Majors | ||
GEO 384 | Field and Laboratory Techniques in Physical Geography Simple laboratory techniques for analysis of soils, rock materials. Water and chemical analysis. Thin and polished section. X-ray diffraction and water sampling. Monitoring of fluvial and hydrological processes. Weather observations. Vegetation analysis and mapping. Laboratory simulation of physical (natural) processes. | 15 | 90 | 3 | Geo 282 | Required for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 385 | Techniques of Geographical Investigation and Analysis Nature of raw data, Sampling and methods of sampling; Comparison of samples; Measure of central tendency, deviation and variability; Binary number system, Probability theory; Non-parametric tests (Kendal Tau, Spearman’s Rank Correlation Method etc.); Parametric tests (Simple Linear Regression and Correlation analyses etc.); Spatial sampling; Simple methods of spatial patterns analysis- Nearest Neighbour Statistics; Use of Excel and SPSS in simple data analysis; Field work and analysis of data collected in the field. | 4 | Required for all Geography Majors. | |||||
GEO 404 | Contemporary Philosophy and Methodology in Geography Current methodology of geographical research including recent paradigm shifts within scientific approach to geographical research. Quantification and classification in geography; theories and models in geography; System analysis in geography. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 302 | Compulsory for all Geography Majors | ||
GEO 405 | Climate Change The climate system; science of climate change; impact of climate change; vulnerability to climate change (adaptation and mitigation); future climate and climate forecasting. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 311 | Elective for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 410 | Synoptic and Dynamic Climatology Detailed treatment of various atmospheric motions/circulation and weather systems; Weather analysis and forecasting; Satellite climatology. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 311 | Elective for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 411 | Applied Climatology Concepts of climate as a resource; Management of climatic resources; Application of knowledge of climate and climatic concepts in agriculture, commerce and industry; Human bioclimatology; Urban climate and air pollution; Econo-climatic models. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 311 | Elective for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 412 | Urban Climatology Detailed treatment of climate effects of urbanization in tropical and temperate latitudes; Air pollution climatology. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 311 | Elective for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 415 | Environmental Resources Management Environmental policies, planning and implementation of environmental management; Legal and institutional framework for environmental management; Determination of standards and decision making on environmental quality; Elements and range of techniques for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Environmental quality standards; Water, soil, air, waste (solid, toxic); Elements of EIA. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 311 or 312 | Elective for all Geography Majors | ||
GEO 416 | Soil Geography Soil as a resource; Soil survey, soil constituents and properties; Soil classification and mapping. Soil profiles; Soil forming environments; Field and laboratory techniques of soil analysis. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 313 | Elective for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 417 | Vegetation Studies Trends in vegetation ecology, plant community, vegetation analysis and classification and ordination; Vegetation-environment correlation studies; Succession and vegetation mapping; Application of remote sensing techniques. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 313 | Elective for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 418 | Ecology of Natural Resources Man, nature and resources; Principles of conservation and resource use; Protected ecosystems and landscape; Grassland and grazing; Man’s use of water; Forestry; Agricultural systems; Sea and its minerals and biological resources; Pollution; Environmental limit to economic growth. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 313 | Elective for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 419 | Land EvaluationSystems of land classification and evaluation with valuation with valuation with special reference to integrated surveys land capability and suitability evaluation; Remote sensing and other techniques of data collection and analysis; Cost/benefit analysis; EIA. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 312 and Geo 313 | Elective for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 420 | Fluvial Geomorphology Roles of water in land-form evolution; River basin form and processes; Relationship between form and processes; Fluvial land-forms; Use of models. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 312 | Elective for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 421 | Geomorphology of the Humid Tropics The concept of the tropics/humid; Tropical geo-morphology the humid tropical environment; Concept of the tropics/humid tropical geomorphology; Humid tropical environment; Humid tropical processes - weathering, removal and deposition; Humid tropical processes and land-forms; Environmental geomorphology in the tropics | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 312 | Elective for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 422 | Biogeomorphology Concept of Biogeomorphology - influence of plants, animals, and microorganisms on the development of earth surface and landforms; Biogeomorphology modelling -Relationship between hydrodynamic, morpho dynamic, water quality and ecological processes at appropriate spatial and temporal scales. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 312 | Elective for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 423 | Applied Geomorphology Scope and content of applied geomorphology; Field observation -Geomorphological mapping; Terrain analysis – digital mapping; Soil and rock – site investigation; Geohazard risk analysis and communication; Risk mitigation and planning. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 312 | Elective for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 423 | Water Resources Management Water and man; River basin as a hydrologic unit; Water supply; Principles of integrated water resources Management; Elements of water supply systems, dams, and reservoirs; Rural water supply systems, urban water supply systems; Principles of the economic analysis of alternatives in water development planning; Water problems, floods, pollution, etc.; River Drainage systems; pollution controls, salinity processes, wetlands maintenance drainage, treatment etc. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 314 | Elective for all Geography Majors in Science. | ||
GEO 431 | Political Geography Survey of classical geography with emphasis on environmentalism, the nation, state and geopolitics; Applied political geography; Studies of gerrymandering; Optimal delimitation of sub-regions; Allocation of facilities for Spatial social justice. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 331 and Geo 333 | Elective for all geography Majors in The Social Sciences | ||
GEO 433 | Agricultural Geography Models and theories of agricultural location; agricultural marketing systems, behaviour and probabilistic models of agricultural activities, models of agricultural development; afforestation and agriculture, agricultural practices; case studies of agricultural typologies. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 332 | Elective for all geography Majors in The Social Sciences | ||
GEO 434 | Industrial Geography Industrial location theories, Factors of industrial location, structural characteristics of manufacturing industries; Patterns of industrial concentration and dynamics of industrial enterprise; Typology of industrialization; Case studies of selected industries and industrial regions. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 332 | Elective for all geography Majors in The Social Sciences | ||
GEO 435 | Urban Geography Scope and contents of urban geography; Origin and growth of cities; The nature of cities: classical models, social area analysis and micro-economic explanation of city structure; The Central Place Theory and system of cities. Issues in Urban Development: gentrification, urban Renewal, urban housing market, urban infrastructural financing and management, urban planning etc.; Urbanization in developed and less developed countries; Problems of Urbanization; Modern techniques of urban analysis. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 333 | Elective for all geography Majors in The Social Sciences | ||
GEO 436 | Rural Geography Scope and contents of rural geography. Basic principles and processes of human settlement. Rural population dynamics. Regional inequalities and rural development. Rural transportation. Rural resources, resource development and economic growth. Rural recreational facilities. Land reforms. Strategies of rural development. Rural development experiences in Nigeria. Globalisation and rural development. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 333 | Elective for all geography Majors in The Social Sciences | ||
GEO 438 | Regional Planning The objective, scope and content of regional planning, the underlying concepts models and theories of regional development, policies, simple techniques of regional analysis, cost-benefit approach to project evaluation, growth centre and growth pole strategies, social and economic overhead capitals; rural development policies, elements of regional policies in national development programmes, particularly of Nigeria. | Elective for all geography Majors in The Social Sciences | ||||||
GEO 439 | Medical Geography Scope and content of medical geography; Ecology of diseases – infectious, nutritional and genetic diseases; Spatial health planning and disease control; Spatial analytical models in medical geography; Inter-disciplinary approach in medical research; HIV/AIDS. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 331 | Elective for all geography Majors in The Social Sciences | ||
GEO 445 | Transportation & Communication Geography Scope and content of transport geography; Evolution of transport systems; Technological developments, transport systems and impact on regional development; Physical distribution; Urban and rural transport systems; Transport and environment; Transport policy and planning; Recent development in Information and Communication Technologies; Spatial organization of communication services; Cyberspace and virtual interaction; Telecommuting; Transportation implications of telecommuting. | Geo 332 | Elective for all geography Majors in The Social Sciences | |||||
GEO 450 | Migration Sources of migration data; Models on migration; Migration and development (Human rights, security, climate change, border issues, regional integration, regular and irregular migrations); Management of Migration; Internal and international migrations (labour migration, brain drain, refugee flows, trafficking, Internally Displaced Persons); Migration policies and programmes. | Geo 331 | Elective for all geography Majors in The Social Sciences | |||||
GEO 451 | Nigeria Topical issues, with special reference to the natural and human resources, water problem, population, urbanization, transportation. Economic patterns and processes. Changing political map. Geographical regions of Nigeria. Effects of jurisdictional partitioning of space on development. Problems and challenges for future development. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 350 | Compulsory for all Geography Majors. | ||
GEO 452 | World Geography Nature of underdevelopment of Third World; Poverty and income distribution; Production systems and linkages with international economy; Geographical distribution of natural, human and technological resources; Geographical bases of economies of Western Europe, USA and Asian Tigers; Comparative study of growth and performance of agriculture, manufacturing and services; International trade and implications on the world economy. | 45 | - | 3 | Geo 350 | Elective | ||
GEO 481 | Quantitative Methods in Geography Introduction, aims and objectives; Matrix algebra- (addition, subtraction and multiplication) matrix inversion eigen-values and eigen vectors); Analysis of point and line patterns, Multivariate statistics methods - (multiple correlation and regression analyses, principal components and factor analysis); Mathematical modelling; Normative and stochastic models; Entropy maximization models; Computer application in geographical research; Use of Excel and SPSS. | 15 | 9 | 3 | FSS 204 & Geo 385 | Required for all Geography Majors | ||
GEO 483 | Advanced Cartography Advanced cartographic design; Typography and lettering; Use of map projection; Map production; Computer graphics; Methodology of computer cartography, data collection and coding, checking and editing of digitized data; Systematic study of computer; Routines for planimetric drawing - grid, frame, legends, point symbols, line) drawing straight and curved lines; Area symbols - Hachuring, patterns and colours. | 15 | 45 | 3 | Geo 383 | Elective | ||
GE0 484 | Remote Sensing Techniques Concept of remote sensing. The electromagnetic spectrum; Imaging systems and their capabilities; Remote sensing platforms; Remote sensing imageries across the spectrum; Image acquisition, restoration and enhancement; Image processing and interpretation; Image storage and retrieval formats; Digital image processing and analysis. applications in natural resource surveys and monitoring land use, exercises. | 15 | 45 | 3 | Geo 202 & 281 | Required | ||
GEO 491 | Original Essay Involves the study of topics of limited scope to be written up in essay form, under the supervision of a number of teaching staff. The Length of the essay is limited to10,000 words. | 10 | 8 | - | Compulsory for all Geography Majors. |