Academic Programmes
Academic Programme
Bachelors of Science in Psychology
Masters in Psychology
Masters in Managerial Psychology
M/Phil Psychology
PhD Psychology
Two “A” levels in Science or Social Sciences, plus five O’level to include Mathematics and Biology
Five O’Level credit passes including English Language and Biology and three other subjects. A credit pass in Mathematics is required.
English Language and any other three social science subjects.
I. Aims of the Postgraduate Programmes
The Postgraduate Programmes are designed to maximize the following objectives:
To develop a solid foundation for a career in professional psychology.
To provide the student with an opportunity for increased self-understanding and insight into the behaviour of others.
To help the student develop the ability to carry out independent investigations in Psychology and in problems related to psychology which may culminate in original contributions to basic and applied knowledge in psychology.
To provide high manpower which is capable of applying psychological techniques to relevant national needs, particularly in business, industry, education, medicine, law and the Armed Forces.
Areas of Specialization in Psychology
Personality and Social
Physiological and Comparative
*Health Psychology
*Legal and Criminology
NOTE * Being proposed
Admission Requirements for M.Sc Psychology Degree (M.Sc. Psy)
In addition to satisfying the Postgraduate admission requirements, the Department requires that:
Candidates for admission should normally possess at least an Honours Degree in Psychology.
Candidates from other related disciplines whose qualifications and background are considered adequate such as the Social Sciences, Education and Medicine, may be admitted provided such candidates have had a minimum of eighteen units or equivalents in psychology including courses in experimental psychology and statistical methods in psychology, and accept to take remedial courses as the department may deem necessary.
Regulations for M.Sc. Degree in Psychology:
The normal duration for the degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.) shall be one calendar year, and a maximum of two calendar years for full time students and three calendar years for part time students. A candidate’s registration shall normally lapse if he has not fulfilled the requirements for the award of the degree after twenty-four months of full-time or thirty-six of part-time registration.
Admission to the M.Sc. Degree programme is open to graduates of this University or of other approved Universities, who have been admitted to the appropriate degree of bachelor.
The programme shall comprise lectures and seminars. The degree shall be awarded on the basis of examinations on course work and project.
A course unit is equivalent to one lecture/tutorial contact hour per week, or three hours of laboratory or practical class per week throughout a semester, or an equivalent amount of assigned study or a combination of these.
For the award of the M.Sc. Psychology, a candidate is expected to pass a minimum of 30 course unit of which: 24 units should come from the compulsory courses.
PSY 701(3), PSY 707 (3), PSY 731 (3), PSY 738 (3) (for I &O), PSY 741 (3), PSY 775(3), PSY 799(6).
PSY 723(3), PSY 732(3), PSY 733(3), PSY 735(3), PSY 744(3), PSY 745(3), PSY 752(3), PSY 754(3), PSY 783(3).
PSY 703(3), PSY 705(3) PSY 706(3), PSY 708(3), PSY 709(3), PSY 721(3), PSY 724(3), PSY 725(3), PSY 734(3), PSY 736(3), PSY 737(3), PSY 738(3), PSY 739(3), PSY 782(3), PSY 785(3) PSY 803(3).
A part-time student shall be required to register in his first year entry, for a minimum of 18 units and a maximum of 20 units, and in his second year for a minimum of 12 units and a maximum of 16 units, including
Students offering remedial courses must pass all such courses.
Regulations for M.Phil. Degree and M.Phil./Ph.D. Conversion Programme
Admission to the M.Phil. degree programme and M.Phil./Ph.D. conversion is open to graduates of this University, or of other approved Universities, who have attained a specified level of performance in the M.Sc. Psychology degree programme, the candidate must have had a weighted average score of 50-54% and 55-59% respectively. The student will also be required to take at least 9 course units from the 700 level courses as may be directed by the department.
The normal duration shall be two semesters after the M.Sc. programme.
For the M.Phil./Ph.D. candidates, the minimum duration for these programmes shall be two semesters after the registration.
The M.Phil. degree shall be awarded on the basis of examination of a dissertation after the prescribed courses have been passed. Students for M.Phil./Ph.D. conversion programme shall undertake a conversion examination and must obtain a total weight a average mark of 60% and above in the 9 units courses and an oral examination of proposed research work.
VI Doctor of Philosophy:
Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology
Candidates for admission to the programme shall be either
Those initially registered for the M.Sc. or M.Phil./Ph.D. conversion programme of the department and have obtained a total weighted average mark of at least 60% in the course examinations and project at the University of Ibadan OR
Candidates who possess the Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) degree in psychology of the University of Ibadan or other Universities recognized by senate. Candidates admitted to the programme be required, on the recommendation of the Department, to take certain courses at the 700/800 levels up to a maximum of 12 units from the candidates area of specialization.
Students are required to deferred their research proposal to an examination panel as recommended by the department and give departmental seminars on their Ph.D. research work.
List of M.Sc. Psychology Courses
PSY 701: Psychopathology and Psychotherapy:
Appraisal and comparisons of current theories of the etiology of psychological disturbances including schizophrenia, phobic and must be passed reactions, neuroses, paranoid psychoses, etc, and their different models of treatments (chemotherapy, electroshock convulsive therapy, psycho-surgery).
PSY 703: Advanced Psychopathology and Psychotherapy:
Appraisal of different treatment models including theoretical evaluation. These will include Western models such as Chemotherapies; Behavioural Therapies, Cognitive Therapies, Social Therapies. The course will also evaluate new and emerging healing models in Africa.
PSY 705: Clinical Neuropathology:
Neuroendocrinal basis of behaviour. Normal and pathological operations of selected biological control systems examined in terms of neuroanatomy physiology, and pharmacology of overt behaviour. Emphasis on new trends in neuropathology as illustrated by results of recent research are evaluation of established and hypothetical etiological mechanisms of diseases affecting the nervous system.
PSY 706: Clinical Assessment:
Assessment of individuals through the use of objective personality tests. Administration and scoring of projective techniques. Basic interpretations of Rorscharch and TAT are considered.
PSY 707: Practicum:
This unit allow for in-depth clinical application of research-based principles. Students will be expected to present detailed case studies for group discussion and broader conceptualization. One or more case studies will be analysed using qualitative or single case methodology and presented as a research report. Candidates are required to gain experience by placement 4 different clinical settings. Placements will be so arranged as to ensure that candidates have supervised experience both with adult and child/adolescent problems and with a diversity of different kinds of clinical settings (e.g. psychiatric, community, general hospital, and neuro-psychology) 6 months clinical practicum.
Developmental Psychology Practicum:
This shall be for a period of 6 months. Students will examine the following areas: Cultural aspects of infant care, sleeping patterns, Perception of parents on infant care, Continuity and Discontinuity of practices in infant care, and role of developmental milestone in specific health and illness conditions.
Social Psychology Practicum:
Students would be asked to go for internship of six months in any rehabilitation centre such as prisons. Remand Homes, Destitute homes, Refugee camps, and Social Work Centres. At the end of the internship the students are expected to submit a report.
PSY 708: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy II:
This unit expands the previous units by covering further techniques and skills. Again, role-play, video and demonstration will help to apply knowledge. More comprehensive packages and overall programmes will be covered.
PSY 709: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy I:
In the short space of time, the Behaviour Therapies have developed from narrowly based learning theories to a comprehensive and expanding set of empirically evaluated therapies. This unit traces the history of this development and introduces you to some important and recent examples of theory and practice.
PSY 721: Human Development:
Critical consideration of the nature and direction of human development, selected theories and methods in investigation; emergence of the child through the phylogenetic and ontogenetic development. Review the theories of Human Development: Investigate the emergence of adulthood (time & how) through family relationship, and roles. Critically examine the tasks and problems of later years.
PSY 723: Comparative Child Rearing Practices:
Comparative survey of familiar and community child-rearing practices in Western, Eastern and African societies. Maternal deprivation; mother surrogates. Psychological and theoretical implications of review of research methodology. Social policy and children’s development. The changing family in a changing social world. Gender and Parenting. Socio-economic variations in families and neighbourhoods poverty.
PSY 724: Experimental Child Psychology
Observation of children in a representative variety of clinical settings with particular reference to developmental phenomena of growth and behaviour application of research, diagnostic and intervention methodology. Scientific Social Science Research Methods as applied to developmental psychology including qualitative and quantitative methods. Research designs. Measurement and computerized analysis of research data. Interpretation of results, Ethical issues in developmental research.
PSY 725: Advanced Child Psychology:
A study of psychopathological conditions of childhood, such as autism, schizophrenia, field observation neuroses, and behaviour of common child problems from a developmental psychopathology point of view. Examine critically the development of different types of children e.g. premature, retarded, traumatized children. Children in need of special care.
PSY 731: Social-psychological analysis of Industries and Organizations:
Psychological concepts of conformity role, leadership, communication, making and bargaining in Organizational behaviour and must be passed.
PSY 732: Psychology of Organisational Conflict and Negotiations:
Concept of conflict, sources, consequences and strategies for managing conflicts. Internal/External relationship management (managing internal conflicts and conflicts with host communities and other organizations). Psychological factors in strikes, principles relevant to Union-Management relations.
PSY 733: Research Methods in Psychology:
Social Science Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods as applied to industrial and organisational settings. Major research designs. Measurement techniques including measuring work outcomes. Research problems in clinical psychology Research methods in social and industrial psychology. Interpreting and using research results. Computer applications to statistical analysis of research data. Professional practice of industrial psychology in Nigeria and ethical problems of this field.
PSY 734: Psychological Aspects of Personnel Issues:
Job analysis, employee selection, employee training and development. Evaluating employee performance.
PSY 735: Psychology of Leadership, Power and Politics in Organisations:
Overview of the concepts of leadership and management issues of social influence and power in organizations. Theories of leadership and principles of training and development of leadership. Organisational politics and implications for leadership.
PSY 736: Seminar in Industrial Motivation and Morale:
Meaning and theory of motivation, job satisfaction, work attendance and quality of life. Work stress and adjustment to contemporary workplace challenges such as downsizing, technological changes, retirement and layoffs.
PSY 737: Psychology of Organisational Structure, Culture, Changeand Development:
Overview of research on leadership effectiveness. Theories of leadership Effective leadership behaviour. Organisational structure and implications for organisational design and employees. Organisational culture, organisational change and development, and emerging trends.
PSY 738: Industrial/Organisational Practicum:
Supervised practical experience in an approved Industrial/Organisational establishment.
PSY 739: Psychological Work Task and Environmental Issues:
Human factors, operator-machine systems, errors in machine systems. Automation and workspace design. Work conditions and work safety issues.
PSY 741: Physiological Psychology:
Basic elements and general functional organization of the nervous system, physiological psychology of perception, locomotion and must be passed consciousness, motivation, emotion, learning and adjustment to stress. Basic psychopharmacological; methods research in physiological psychology.
PSY 744: The Physiological psychology of Learning:
The historical search for engrain (including the research procedures adopted, hemispheric specialization; language areas of the brain; bring stimulation and memory; changes in the brain associated with learning, memory storage processes; biofeedback. It aims to develop a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical basis of disorders of perception and attention and to be able to apply such knowledge to the identification of disorders in clinical practice.
PSY 745: The Physiological Psychology of Consciousness Motivation and Emotion:
Sleep, activation, attention and meditation; motivation and emotion, neural mechanism other physiological processes involved in consciousness, motivation and emotion will be emphasized. Service models and the co-ordination of services in learning disabilities to improve the quality of life and participation of clients. The multidisciplinary nature of this service and the contribution of various professional will be considered.
PSY 752: Personality Change:
Psychological versus spirit-filed. Strategies in the changing of personality.
PSY 754: Personality Tests:
A critical evaluation of the techniques for the assessment of personality in psychology and traditional African Culture.
PSY 775: Statistics:
Parametric tests of differences between population means including one way analysis of variance with equal and unequal number of cases, t-tests, regression, parametric and must be passed correlational techniques. Non Parametric statistics including X2, kolmogorov-Smirnov test, kruskal-Wallis H-test, and Kendall’s coefficient of concordance.
PSY 799: Masters Project:
An independent research on must have the topic selected from candidates approval of field of specialization, candidate’s supervisor(s).
PSY 782: Social Conflict and Social Change:
Strategies for producing and consequences of change, topics, could include: effect of change on the individual, the collection and use of data as strategy for the production of change; socio-technical intervention strategies (e.g. Abuja, Ajaokuta etc.) conflict as a change strategy.
PSY 783: Social Cognition and Social Influence:
Attitude theories and attitude change, interpersonal perception and interpersonal attraction, social motivation and conformity processes.
PSY 785: Seminar in Social Psychology (The African Family):
Application of social psychology to the area of structure and dynamics of the African family. Can the failures, successes and changes of the African family be explained from a social-psychological perspective. (Seminar approach).
PSY 801: Research Methods in Psychology:
The nature of Science and Scientific research observation and the measurement of variables – measurement, reliability, and validity types of research – Experimental approach, and correlational surveys, psychological tests, questionnaire and interviews, approaches to the analysis of research data-content analysis; the multivariate approach – multiple regression variance partitioning, factor analysis; introduction to computer programme.
PSY 803: Special Seminar and Directed Readings:
Special topics may include: Attitudes and Persuasion: Ergonomics Ethics & Professional issues; Group Dynamics; Leadership; Occupational Stress; Training and Development; Vocational Counselling. Students are required to carry out a thorough literature search and review of an agreed topic in his/her area of specialization.